Post Covid-19
Safe Opening
Reception and Concierge
The reception staff is informed about COVID-19 so that they can safely perform the assigned tasks and prevent the possible spread of COVID-19 within the facility.
It is able to give information to guests who request it on the policy of the building in terms of established preventive measures or other services that guests can request, for example, medical and pharmaceutical services available in the area.
At the check-in, the body temperature of each registered guest is detected.
We have provided guidelines to the staff on how to communicate with guests to ensure the coherence of alignment with the new hygiene rules.
Small documents and information posters are available to guests and staff, which promote handwashing, increasing hygiene, and etiquette in the event of a cough.
The flyers on basic hygiene rules and on COVID-19, in different languages, are useful information tools that are made available to all guests of the structure.
There is an updated list of contact information for emergencies, including the telephone numbers of ASL Sa3 di Castellabate, and Ospedale di Agropoli.
Medical equipment and kits available at reception
The reception has a Covid medical kit which includes the following items:
Germicidal disinfectant to use for cleaning surfaces
Facial masks certified as PPE
Disposable latex gloves
Disposable protective gowns, FFP2 masks, and headgear for operators
A long-sleeved suit with full-length PPE against biohazard
Disposable waste bag specific for biological risk
Social attention measures
Social distancing measures, along with frequent hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, are the main measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
Social distancing includes refraining from hugging, kissing, or shaking hands with guests and staff. Meaning that a distance of at least 1 m (3 ft) has to be maintained.
Increase in hand hygiene by avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
Hand disinfection is indicated after exchanging items, money, or credit cards with guests.
Use the mask covering both the mouth and the nose, use the elbow or a bent tissue when coughing or sneezing.
Cleaning and disinfection
The whole structure has been sanitized with a certification of sanitation and environmental remediation.
The cleaning and disinfection measures of common areas, rooms, halls, and corridors are applied as a general preventive measure to counteract COVID-19 and for handles, handrails, switches, door handles.
The toilets, sinks, and bathrooms are cleaned with a normal disinfectant solution containing 2% hypochlorite and certified sanitizing products compliant with the circular of DGPRE 0005443.
Whenever possible, disposable cleaning materials are used.
Special equipment capable of sanitizing each suite at check out is also used.